The relocation workshops arerelocation trainingdesigned around the methodITACC 4.0TM.
This method was created frombest practices in strategy consulting and analysisrelocation cases that had succeeded and also failed. This is astep by stepwhich may be carried out by thecompanies with the help of a user guide,either witha certified method coach.
The method can therefore be used by any companywho would like to conduct in-housea first thoughton a relocation project.
What is the difference between the “24H to relocate” operation and the relocation workshops?
The 24 hours arean event built around the workshopsrelocation and which include the sourcing ofyour partnersrelocation, market studies andconsumer interviews conducted by business schools, expert advice (industry 4.0, circular economy, supply chain, design, etc.), conferences, networking…
Can I do a relocation workshop first and come to the 24 hours to relocate later?
This is not a prerequisite but it will allow you to identifyeven better the stakes of your own
structureand to be even better prepared for the reflection of the 24 hours!
You will findevery 24 hours, partners, advice and expertise that you will not be able to get
doing the workshop in-house.
Relocation workshops Prices
The “ready to use” method
A day with the paper material,step-by-step and access to the online toolto view your responses and produce analysis tools in real time:
One-day training with the ready-to-use method and a certified method coach: €500 / person(requirements: minimum4 peoplenes and a maximum of 6 people trained).
The ITAAC 4.0 relocation methodis Qualiopi certified.
Sheis eligible for funding by thefunding organizationsand by the plans of
business training.